Privacy Policy


GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

Starting from May 25th 2018 the EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the treatment and free circulation of personal data is directly applicable in all the Member States. The GDPR arises from precise needs, as indicated by the EU Commission itself, of legal certainty, harmonization and greater simplicity of the rules concerning the transfer of personal data from the EU to other parts of the world. 



The Associazione Musicale Estense can only collect the data provided during the subscription to the Newsletter: e-mail address, name and surname, other information included in the “your message (optional)” box. When a subject would like to join, the Associazione Musicale Estense must collect the name, surname and Codice Fiscale of the subject concerned, because such data make the individual unique and avoid cases of homonymy. Other data, such as e-mail address, date of birth, etc., will be collected in an optional way only if they were provided freely by the subject.



The processing of personal data will be in full compliance with the principles of confidentiality, correctness, necessity, relevance, lawfulness and transparency imposed by the GDPR. The processing of personal data will be carried out mainly through the use of electronic tools, in compliance with the current regulatory provisions. Suitable security measures will be observed to prevent the loss of personal data, illicit or incorrect use of the same or unauthorized access. Under no circumstances will the Association sell or otherwise transfer the data collected to third parties.



We inform you that the data you provide will be processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationship between us in place and further stored exclusively for the period provided for the fulfillment of legal obligations, provided that it is not necessary to further store them to defend or make to exercise a right or to fulfill any additional legal obligations or orders of the Authorities.



Holder of the treatment is Associazione Musicale Estense per la diffusione della musica antica, with registered office in Via Baraldi 47, CAP 41124, Modena (MO), C.F. 94,091,440,365.



The collection and use of the data provided is done only with the consent of the interested party through the form on the website concerning the subscription to the Newsletter and by filling out the complete registration form with the signature of the interested party. At any time the subject has the power to unscribe from the Newsletter, informing the Association through its communication channels made public. This right also applies in the case of members (the associative time frame is the calendar year).