Support the recording project!
Francesco II D’Este 1660-1694
Principe della Musica
In 1673 Francesco d’Este, at the age of 14, became ruler of the Duchy of Modena & Reggio and for twenty years dedicated himself to his main passion: music.
The recording and research project “Francesco II D’Este, Principe della Musica (1660-1694)” represents an anthology from the prestigious music collection of the Estense Library.
Grandezze & Meraviglie entrusts the project to the Modena Baroque ensemble that involves young musicians and researchers from different parts of Italy. Modena Barocca plays vintage instruments or faithful copies.
How we will use your support:
You will participate in a cultural project and contribute to its realization. The young musicians of Modena Barocca will see their first recording come to life as a result of research and creative commitment.
Thank you!
How to join:
- Online on the crowdfunding platform Produzioni dal Basso at the link: Clicca qui per aderire!
- With a bank transfer
Header: Associazione Musicale Estense
Reason: Progetto Francesco II
- UNICREDIT: IT11L0200812930000003393830
- BPER Banca: IT82G 05387 12900 000001666245
- At the headquarters of Grandezze & Meraviglie
Via Nazario Sauro 54, 41121 Modena
(during office hours; tel. 059 214333)
How are we going to thank you?
Grandezze & Meraviglie offers you:
€ 10 Personal thanks via email and on our Social Media (by prior authorization)
€ 25 The new CD “Il principe della musica: Francesco II d’Este”
€ 35 The new CD “Il principe della musica: Francesco II d’Este” and one copy of the CD “Divertimenti da Camera – Giovanni Battista Bononcini” Trascrizioni al clavicembalo di Giovanni Paganelli.
€ 40 2 copies of the new CD “Il principe della musica: Francesco II d’Este”
€ 50 2 copies of the new CD “Il principe della musica: Francesco II d’Este” and the link to the video recording of the concert “Musica per Francesco II d’Este” 17 Novembre 2019 – Festival Grandezze & Meraviglie
€ 100 2 copies of the new CD “Il principe della musica: Francesco II d’Este” and the link to the video recording of the concert “Musica per Francesco II d’Este” and the volume of the first edition of the Festival Grandezze & Meraviglie (1998) and a CD with a selection of
e il CD con una selection of songs performed on that occasion (celebrations of the fourth centenary of Modena capital city of the Este Duchy).
€ 300 A collection of our “historical” and rare CDs: Stradella, Cantate per il Natale, 1998; Francesco Antonio Pistocchi, Il Martirio di S. Adriano, 2001; Giovanni Bononcini, San Nicola di Bari, 2008; Bellerofonte Castaldi, Ferita d’amore: brani strumentali e vocali, 2011; Francesco II D’Este, Il Principe della Musica, 2020.
€ 500 Your Logo on the CD Francesco II D’Este, Il Principe della Musica (by prior arrangement).
N.B. By deciding to support the project through “free offer”, if you wish you can receive the reward corresponding to the amount paid.