Il canto soave del violino – @Modena – September 23rd at 5pm – Festival Grandezze & Meraviglie 2018


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Sunday, September 23rd at 5pm


Galleria Estense


fra ‘600 e ‘700 in Italia

Il Coro d’Arcadia,

Alessandro Ciccolini, violino di concerto


The Coro d’Arcadia presents “Il Canto suave del Violino”, it’s an ideal musical journey through which the listeners are accompanied to know some very important figures of Italian violinists composers active in the peninsula and in various European courts from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. From Subissati, Marche, to Marco Uccellini, from Romagna but from 1647 at the service of Francesco I d’Este, Giuseppe Colombi, probably a pupil of Uccellini, the virtuoso violinist and Tuscan composer Giovanni Pandolfi Mealli. The famous “red priest” of Vivaldi, the Venetian and the Tuscan Francesco Maria Veracini, close the program.

One thought on “Il canto soave del violino – @Modena – September 23rd at 5pm – Festival Grandezze & Meraviglie 2018”

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