Soavi e Dolci Sospiri – @Modena – October 20th at 9pm – Festival Grandezze & Meraviglie 2018


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Saturday, October 20th 9 pm

Chiesa di San Carlo

SOAVI E DOLCI SOSPIRI da Monteverdi a Vivaldi
Arie, cantate e serenate a una e due voci e strumenti

Ettore Agati contralto, Anabela Baric soprano
I Musicali Affetti
Fabio Missaggia violino e direzione

In co-production with Festival Spazio e Musica


Full programme


The concert means to highlight the affections that from Monteverdian finesse lead to the tempestuous vehemence of Vivaldi, crossing different colors and accents that voices and instruments can create in symbiosis with the word. It starts with the beautiful Monteverdiani madrigali “Lettera amorosa” with a single voice in general representative “Se i languidi miei sguardi” and “Con che soavità” concerted to a voice and instruments. It continues with the air of Barbara Strozzi: “Hor che Apollo” serenade for soprano with violins, and with the air of Alessandro Scarlatti “Ombre tacite e sole”. Then comes the duet of Haendel “Per le porte del tormento”, from Sosarme and closes with the famous cantata of Vivaldi “Cessate ormai cessate” for alto Solo con Istromenti. The vocal compositions are interspersed with instrumental music by Dario Castello and Salomone Rossi.


on the place 30 minutes before the concert

Modena – IAT (biglietti), Piazza Grande 14, tel. 059 2032660



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