click here to buy your ticket! Not included in seasonal ticket Sunday, october 18th, 5 pmMODENA – Musei Civici, Sala di Archeologia IL LIUTO IN EUROPAtra Rinascimento e baroccoDiego Leveric,…
click to buy your ticket here! Saturday, october 24th, 9 pmMODENA – Chiesa di San Carlo O VERA LUXSalve Regina di G. B. Pergolesi & un mottetto di A. Vivaldi…
click here to buy your ticket! Wednesday, december 16th, 9 pmMODENA – Chiesa di San Carlo DANCINGBASSDanzare il BassoMusic by M. Marais, A. Corelli, D. BuxtehudeElisa Barucchieri, danceResExtensa & I Ferrabosco…
click here to buy tickets! Thursday, October 11th at 9.00 pm MODENA Theater San Carlo IL CANTO DI ROMA from the Middle Ages to 1901 In collaboration with the Festival…
August 24th, starting 9:00 pm – free entry SEMELANO (Montese) Pieve dei Santi Pietro e Paolo LA CITTÀ DELLE DAME: Ovvero la storia di Cristina da Pizzano In…